Palm Heights Management Board collaborated with SugaGroup to install SantaPocket smart freight forwarding cabinets located right at the apartment to provide maximum support for the residents in keeping goods and securing trade. SantaPocket is now available and ready for use with a very special offer for each resident:

SantaPocket, with its eye-catching trendy yellow, will confidently attract all eyes as it appears at the front of three residential blocks. At the same time, with just 7 simple steps, the residents would be able to optimize the delivery process:
1️⃣ Scan QR code on the cabinet to go to the website
2️⃣ Choose Send package at Homepage
3️⃣ Enter phone number, an OTP code will be sent via SMS
4️⃣ Fill in your OTP code
5️⃣ Fill in Receiver’s name and phone number + Choose suitable locker size for your packages
6️⃣ Your locker will be automatically opened after 3 – 5s
7️⃣ Place your packages inside then carefully close the door (Hear a clicking sound)
Watch this for more detailed instructions:
Try it NOW!
Download SantaPocket at:
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#SantaPocket #SmartDeliveryLocker #Combros #Sugaproduct
#Tukhoatienich #Tugiaonhanh #Sieutienichsieutietkiem #Dichvuchothuetu